
Tips for Claiming Your Jewellers' Block Insurance

jewellers block insurance- business insurance- Gargash Insurance brokers- UAE 15 Aug, 2023

Maximize your insurance coverage with our top tips for claiming jeweller's insurance in UAE. Learn how to claim jeweller's insurance and protect your investments through this blog.

How to Get Jewellers' Block Insurance in UAE

If you're a jeweller in the UAE, protecting your business and assets is of utmost importance.

One way to do this is by obtaining jewellers block insurance. This type of insurance is specifically designed for businesses in the jewellery industry, providing coverage for a range of risks and losses that are unique to the trade.

Read this article to explore what jewellers block insurance is, why it's important, and how you can obtain it in the UAE.


Quick Read Section

  • Jewellers block insurance, also referred to as JB, is a type of insurance that provides coverage for a range of risks and losses that are specific to the jewellery industry.
  • Some of the risks that are covered by jewellers block insurance include theft, damage to inventory, and loss of valuable items.
  • Jewellers Block Insurance safeguards the company's assets by defending against the expense of replacing damaged or stolen inventory as well as liability claims resulting from accidents or injuries on the property.


What is Jeweller's Block Insurance?

Jeweller's Block Insurance is a specialized form of insurance that provides coverage for risks and losses that are specific to the jewellery industry. It offers protection against events such as theft, damage, loss, and even mysterious disappearance of valuable items like gemstones, precious metals, and finished jewellery pieces. This type of insurance is essential for jewellers in the UAE as it safeguards their business and assets from potential financial setbacks caused by unforeseen circumstances.


Why is Jewellers Block Insurance Important?

As a jeweller in the UAE, your business is exposed to a range of risks. These risks can include theft, damage to inventory, and loss of valuable items, among others. Without adequate insurance coverage, any of these events could cause significant financial harm to your business. Jewellers block insurance is important because it provides financial protection against these risks, allowing you to focus on growing your business without worrying about unexpected events.

Having jewellers block insurance protects you against the potential financial burden of replacing stolen or damaged inventory, which can be costly and detrimental to your business. Additionally, this type of insurance can provide coverage for any potential liability claims that may arise from accidents or injuries on your premises, further safeguarding your business and its assets.


How to Obtain Jewellers Block Insurance in the UAE

If you're a jeweller in the UAE, obtaining jewellers block insurance is relatively straightforward. The first step is to identify reputable insurance providers that offer this type of coverage. You can research different insurance providers online, or ask for recommendations and quotes from an insurance broker like Gargash Insurance.

Once you've identified potential insurance providers, you should contact your insurance broker to inquire about the specific coverage that each policy provides, as well as any exclusions or limitations that may apply. You should also ask about the premiums that you'll need to pay for the coverage, and any deductibles that may apply.

Before you sign up for a jewellers block insurance policy, be sure to read the terms and conditions carefully. Make sure that you understand the coverage that is provided, as well as any conditions that you'll need to meet in order to make a claim.


Tips for Claiming Your Jewelers' Block Insurance

Making a successful claim on your jewellers block insurance policy can be a complex process. Here are some top tips to claim jewellers block insurance in the UAE.

  • Document Everything

The first step in making a claim on your jewellers block insurance policy is to document everything related to the loss or damage. This includes taking photos of the damaged items, collecting receipts and invoices, and obtaining police reports if applicable. Keep detailed records of your inventory, including photographs and appraisals, to support your claim in case of loss or damage. The more evidence you have to support your claim, the more likely it is that your insurance provider will approve it.

  • Notify Your Insurance Broker Immediately

It's important to notify your insurance broker as soon as possible after a loss or damage occurs. Most jewellers block insurance policies can have strict time limits for making a claim, so it's important to act quickly. Any delays in reporting may also affect the validity of your claim. Contact your insurance broker and provide them with all the relevant documentation and information related to the loss or damage.

  • Work with Your Insurance Broker

Your insurance company will assign an adjuster to your claim, who will be responsible for assessing the damage and determining the amount of compensation that you are entitled to. It's important to work closely with your adjuster and your insurance broker throughout the claims process, providing them with any additional information or documentation that they require. Be sure to keep records of all communication with your adjuster, including emails and phone calls.

  • Be Honest

When making a claim on your jewellers block insurance policy, it's important to be honest about the circumstances surrounding the loss or damage. Providing false or misleading information can result in your claim being denied and may even lead to legal consequences. Always provide your insurance broker with accurate and truthful information.

  • Review Your Policy

Before making a claim on your jewellers block insurance policy, review the terms and conditions of your policy carefully. Make sure that you understand the coverage that is provided, as well as any exclusions or limitations that may apply. If you have any questions or concerns about your policy, contact your insurance broker and ask for clarification.


Why choose Gargash for your jeweller's insurance needs?

Gargash Insurance is a trusted and reputable insurance broker in the UAE, known for its expertise in offering comprehensive coverage specifically tailored for jewellers. Our insurance brokers understand the unique risks and challenges faced by jewellers and ensure to provide guidance in choosing policies that provide adequate protection for valuable assets such as precious gemstones and high-end jewellery. Additionally, Gargash Insurance offers competitive rates and exceptional customer service, making us a preferred choice among jewellers seeking reliable insurance coverage in the UAE.



Claiming jewellers block insurance in the UAE can be a complex process, but by following these tips, you can increase your chances of making a successful claim. Document everything related to the loss or damage, notify your insurance provider immediately, work closely with your adjuster, be honest about the circumstances surrounding the loss or damage, and review your policy before making a claim. With the right approach, you can obtain the financial protection that you need as a jeweller in the UAE.

Jewellers block insurance is an essential type of insurance for jewellers in the UAE. By providing coverage for a range of risks and losses that are specific to the jewellery industry, this type of insurance can provide financial protection for your business and assets. With the right jewellers block insurance coverage in place, you can focus on growing your business without worrying about unexpected events.

Contact us today for all your business insurance needs!



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