You can contact us on 04-3379800 or you can report a claim online via the Gargash Insurance website by completing the Claim Assistance Form for the concerned staff to assist you.
A good place to start is by reviewing your policy. You also may want to ask your account handler assigned to you to help you understand what coverage you've purchased and how it applies to your particular claim.
It depends on the terms of your policy and how many claims you've filed in the past and the claim amount. The decision of premium increase will be taken at the time of policy renewal by the insurers keeping the above in mind.
It's the portion of a covered loss that, according to your policy, you've agreed to pay before the insurer starts paying for costs of the loss. For example, if you have a covered loss of AED 2,000 and your policy carries a AED 500 deductible, you'll pay the first AED 500 and insurer’s will pay the remaining AED1,500.
For Motor Claims, if the party at fault has been identified in the police report, there will be no deductible applied. For Non-Motor Claims, no matter who's at fault, you may still have to pay a deductible for a claim filed.
We recommend filing a police report immediately any time you experience an auto accident, property theft, or vandalism to your property.
If you've opted for rental vehicle coverage in your policy, your insurer will be providing the vehicle as per the policy limit agreed and according to the provisions in your policy.
It will depend on the extent of damage, availability of parts, and the repair process. The repair shop will give you an anticipated completion date.
It depends on how complex the claim is, extent of damages or injuries is and submission of documents. The processing time for each claim may vary but the claims representatives always work toward prompt resolution of every claim. If a claim requires follow-up work, we'll be there with you every step of the way - no matter how long it takes.
No, the policy will not be cancelled if you file a claim but insurers may cancel a policy if a policyholder becomes a high risk — for example, by filing multiple claims within a brief time period, causing an accident while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or taking unnecessary risks (careless use of flammable liquids, reckless driving, etc.).
The claim will be settled on the basis of the Sum Insured value after applying deprecation and deductible if applicable.