Insurance Policies for Maids in the UAE – Medical Insurance & Employer’s Liability Insurance

Explore insurance policies for maids in the UAE, including medical insurance and employer's liability insurance, ensuring comprehensive coverage and compliance.
It is common in the households of the UAE to have maids as cooks, cleaners, caretakers, drivers, babysitters etc. It is crucial that they are being taken care very well as they form an indispensable part of the family. It is reciprocal service that is intended upon the employers in return to the care and service they provide to the well being of the house and its members.
As an employer, one has certain basic responsibilities and liabilities towards his/her domestic workers. Sponsoring domestic workers comes with the cost of a visa, salary, flights and basic living expenses. What are mostly overlooked are the potential expenditures and financial liabilities that can arise due to their illness or accidents.
Insurance plans that can be purchased for maids and domestic workers mainly include:
- Health Insurance
Health Insurance is vital, as it is necessary to have the domestic workers in peak physical form so that they can carry out all the tasks necessary to keep the home running smoothly. In UAE, it is the responsibility of the employer to provide for costs in treatment of sickness. Domestic workers are not exempt from availing compulsory medical insurance in Dubai. It is the duty of the employer to take medical insurance on behalf of their domestic workers to avoid facing fines (AED 500 per month). DHA has provided license to certain health insurance companies to provide Essential Benefit Package (EBP) in the UAE. EBP is the package for workers making less than AED 4,000 per month and is the minimum insurance package a sponsor should provide for their domestic workers.
EBP is a very basic plan that assists reducing costs associated with health checks and treatments and it is valid only in the UAE.
- Liability Insurance takes two forms:
1. Employers Liability:
Employers Liability is when you negligently injure your maid or cause an injury by direct or indirect means, like maid having an accident during transit in your car.
Employer’s Liability Insurance is available under certain home insurance policies up to AED 250,000 which you become legally liable to pay in respect of injury, illness or disease to your domestic servants. The limit differs from insurer to insurer.
In case of death or disability to your domestic servants the financial benefit that may be offered by your home insurance company would be up to a minimum of AED 30,000/-, but this should be agreed by your insurance provider.
Medical and Repatriation expenses can also be covered subject to prior approval of your insurance company.
2. Maid Liability towards your guests or other third parties:
Maid Liability is when your maid negligently causes damage or injury to others such as your guests, neighbors etc. For example, accidental fire triggered by the maid while cooking or forcing the pram on a car while moving your child.
The causes and effects are plenty which is why there needs to be insurance back up to provide the financial support during unfortunate circumstances.
The legal liability section under your home insurance policy will cover any legal liability which you or any member of your household (including maids) becomes legally liable to pay in respect of accidental property damage or accidental bodily injury to any person (third party).
For health insurance for individuals, families or your household staff, contact us here
Should you want to purchase employee health insurance, please get in touch today!

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